Ai is a cheating bastard
Ai is a cheating bastard

HistoryĪlmost a decade before Tim Berners-Lee's World Wide Web saw its first light of day back in 1991, leet speak was born. That’s why I thought it might be helpful to create this l33t sp34k ch34t sh33t (or leet speak cheat sheet!) that’ll help you cheat your way from n00b to l33t in no time. But the truth is most people struggle to understand what it's all about, if they're able to understand it at all. I'm sure you'd agree it's a slightly insulting sentence to say the least. I guess? If you're like me, chances are you had no problem reading that sentence.

ai is a cheating bastard

Leet Speak Cheat Sheet Cheat your way from n00b to l33tġf y0u c4n r34d 7h15 y0u r34lly n33d 70 637 4 l1f3! (If you can read this you really need to get a life!) Well.

Ai is a cheating bastard